Mind - Body - Spirit
ADditional References
Check out these links to learn more about wellness of the mind, body and spirit.
Web Resources
Kim D'Eramo D.O.
The MindBodyToolkit
Your body has the ability to heal itself. Your mind and body are connected . . . so how do we activate this within ourselves?
The MindBody Toolkit explains the science behind the mind-body connection and gives you 10 tools you can use anytime, anywhere to activate self-healing and awakening now!
Greta Steiner
Return To Health
Do you feel you make the wrong lifestyle choices that don’t promote health, or worse, lead your immune system to become overly stressed and your fitness to get worse.
Return to Health and THE R.I.S.E PROTOCOL® is the go-to-guide that will transform your lifestyle and improve your health & wellbeing.